InformAll people

InformAll was founded and is managed by Stéphane Goldstein, who has several years of experience in developing collaborative projects in information literacy. He was responsible for developing RIN’s initial involvement in IL from 2010, and from 2012 for setting up, piloting and managing InformAll (and previously RIDLs); and successfully bidding for HEFCE funding. Whilst at RIN, he prepared the ground for InformAll’s independent existence as a community interest company. As well as his work in the realm of IL, between 2005 and 2015 his broad areas of responsibility at RIN included project management, research, facilitation and networking; and before that, he worked in a variety of science policy, public outreach and research management roles at the Medical Research Council and Research Councils UK. He is a RSA Fellow and a member of CILIP, the Chartered Institute of Information & Library Professionals; he is the Advocacy and Outreach Officer on CILIP’s Information Literacy Group and the coordinator for the Media and Information Literacy Alliance (MILA).

InformAll is overseen by its board of Directors, as follows:

Stéphane Goldstein Executive Director, InformAll

Dr Laura MolloyArtist and Senior Research Lead, CODATA, the Commission on Data of the International Council for Science

Dr Jane Secker Senior Lecturer in Educational Development, City, University of London

Dr Geoff Walton Senior Lecturer in Information and Communicatins, Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Andrew Whitworth –  Director of Teaching and Learning Strategy, University of Manchester
