Building on work undertaken during 2014 on information literacy in the workplace, InformAll has been raising awareness of information literacy in sectors where it has not been readily recognised as a defined set of attributes. There is a strong case for a dialogue to consider how interlocutors at the interface between higher education and employment might benefit from a further exploration of the relevance of information literacy to their policies and practices. InformAll, in association with CILIP and the CILIP IL Group, therefore organised a roundtable, on 19 March 2015, that brought together a range of interested parties. The event sought to:
- explore the relevance of information competencies and skills in the workplace;
- allow employers and other stakeholders with an interest in employment, professional development and lifelong learning to consider the relevance of such competencies and skills to their policies, strategies and practices;
- raise awareness of the important role library and information professionals play in this area.
Please find attached the programme for the event, the presentation slides that introduced it and some (unedited) notes from the discussion. These are rough and ready, but give a flavour of the breadth of issues that were covered; they also list a few practical suggestions.