BRIDGE to information and digital literacy in schools

InformAll is one of two UK partners in BRIDGE, a new European project aimed at fostering information and digital literacy in primary schools. BRIDGE is a collaboration between partners in six countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Finland as well as the UK. It is funded through the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.

Its main purpose is to create a transnational cooperation network for the exchange of good practices and resources for the joint promotion of information and digital literacy as a way of underpinning education in equality values. BRIDGE’s chief output will be an open access multilingual portal where good practices will be collected, together with educational guidance elaborated by the project. The portal will include a selection of children’s literature and transmedia resources to help schools develop relevant educational activities. To underpin this effort, BRIDGE will run a major survey, in all six countries, to provide evidence of how primary schools address information and digital literacy in practice.

BRIDGE got off the ground during the summer of 2022 and will run until spring 2024. The survey will form part of the project’s early activities, likely to be undertaken by the end of 2022.